Sunday, 27 March 2011

Best day so far - Marsh Lane

Phew, what an afternoon!

53 sightings and 3 additions to the life tick list - weather was mainly cloudy but with a burst of clear'ish skies and some sun.

  1. Yellow Wagtail - NEW
  2. Wigeon
  3. Coot
  4. Cormorant
  5. Lapwing
  6. Crow
  7. Shoveler
  8. Little Grebe
  9. Greylag
  10. Gadwell
  11. Tufted Duck
  12. Buzzard
  13. Jackdaw
  14. Redshank
  15. Moorhen
  16. Snipe
  17. Pied Wagtail
  18. Black-headed Gull
  19. Ringed Plover
  20. Mallard
  21. Wood Pigeon
  22. Magpie
  23. Teal
  24. Stock Dove
  25. Goldfinch
  26. Chaffinch
  27. Great Tit
  28. Blue Tit
  29. Reed Bunting
  30. Blackbird
  31. Song Thrush - NEW (for certain this time)
  32. Canada Goose
  33. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  34. Starling
  35. Mute Swan
  36. Black Swan
  37. Dunlin
  38. Oystercatcher
  39. Pheasant
  40. Heron
  41. Long Tailed Tit
  42. Green Woodpecker
  43. Greenfinch
  44. Chiffchaff
  45. Tree Sparrow
  46. Jay
  47. Robin
  48. Dunnock
  49. Pochard
  50. Shelduck
  51. Greater Spotted Woodpecker
  52. Yellowhammer
  53. Collared Dove - NEW

Monday, 21 March 2011

RSPB Coombes Valley

Not a very good visit at all!

Not alot of birdie's, but alot of confusion over Mistle/Song Thrush identification (still none the wiser)

Anyway, deep breath, here comes the count:

  1. Great Tit
  2. Robin
  3. Jackdaw
  4. Crow
  5. Chaffinch
  6. Blue Tit
  7. Blackbird
  8. Goldfinch
  9. Magpie
  10. Mistle / Song Thrush

Sunday, 20 March 2011

3 short of 50 - Marsh Lane

x2 new ones for the life tick list, and a brilliant 5 minutes spent watching a Greater Spotted Woodpecker headbutting a tree! Crazy bird

A few piccys -

Grey Heron


Not a very sharp image of a Female Pheasant

Marsh Lane

The count:

  1. Tufted Duck
  2. Lapwing
  3. Redshank
  4. Wood Pigeon
  5. Oystercatcher
  6. Wigeon
  7. Bluetit
  8. Pied Wagtail
  9. Coot
  10. Canada Goose
  11. Cormorant
  12. Mute Swan
  13. Gadwall
  14. Starling
  15. Mallard
  16. Jackdaw
  17. Teal
  18. Little Grebe
  19. Snipe
  20. Greylag
  21. Magpie
  22. Shelduck
  23. Black-headed Gull
  24. Yellowhammer
  25. Sparrowhawk - NEW
  26. Crow
  27. Pheasant
  28. Chaffinch
  29. Shoveler
  30. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  31. Ringed Plover
  32. Dunlin
  33. Great Crested Grebe
  34. Moorhen
  35. Common Gull
  36. Grey Heron
  37. Green Sandpiper - NEW
  38. Tree Sparrow
  39. Dunnock
  40. Greenfinch
  41. Buzzard
  42. Greater Spotted Woodpecker
  43. Green Woodpecker
  44. Pochard
  45. Reed Bunting
  46. Blackbird
  47. Long-tailed Tit

Sunday, 13 March 2011

49 Birds but fed-up

Arrives at Marsh Lane this afternoon full of excitement, only to discover the batteries in my camera were flat :-(  A shame to, as i could've got some cracking shots of some Pied Wagtails that were right outside the hide, typical! I'm yet to have a visit to Marsh Lane where i haven't forgotten something or lost something!

Anyway, the lack of any piccys put aside, i did actually have a very good day. Better than last Sunday in fact, with a total of 49 for the day and 7 new ones for my Life Tick List.

Weather was, sunny, bright and clear, and actually quite warm in the sun.

The count:

  1. Chaffinch
  2. Greenfinch
  3. Reed Bunting
  4. Great Tit
  5. Coot
  6. Goldfinch
  7. Moorhen
  8. Blue Tit
  9. Crow
  10. Jackdaw
  11. Greylag
  12. Pied Wagtail
  13. Shelduck
  14. Lapwing
  15. Wigeon
  16. Oystercatcher
  17. Cormorant
  18. Magpie
  19. Common Gull
  20. Black-headed Gull
  21. Mute Swan
  22. Snipe
  23. Wood Pigeon
  24. Starling
  25. Pheasant
  26. Mallard
  27. White Fronted Goose - NEW
  28. Tufted Duck
  29. Great Crested Grebe
  30. Gadwell
  31. Pochard
  32. Canada Goose
  33. Stock Dove
  34. Little Grebe
  35. Little Ringed Plover - NEW 
  36. Ringed Plover - NEW
  37. Grey Heron
  38. Teal
  39. Buzzard
  40. Chiffchaff - NEW
  41. Blackbird
  42. Bullfinch - NEW
  43. Wren
  44. Tree Sparrow
  45. Dunlin - NEW
  46. Dunnock
  47. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  48. Kestrel
  49. Yellowhammer - NEW

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Marsh Lane - West Midlands

A very clear sunny day but with quite a cold biting wind, that froze your face and fingers, nevertheless, this afternoon saw the best 4 hours i've had since i started.

So, straight down to business:

1: Lapwing
2: Tufted Duck
3: Coot
4: Moorhen
5: Snipe
6: Cormorant
7: Black-headed Gull
8: Wigeon
9: Pochard
10: Shelduck
11: Canada Geese
12: Buzzard
13: Wood Pigeon
14: Chaffinch
15: Jackdaw
16: Lesser Black-backed Gull
17: Pied Wagtail
18: Starling
19: Great Crested Grebe
20: Little Grebe
21: Crow
22: Long Tailed Tit
23: Robin
24: Blackbird
25: Tree Creeper NEW
26: Great Tit
27: Mute Swan
28: Reed Bunting
29: Blue Tit
30: Greenfinch
31: Nuthatch NEW
32: Pheasant
33: Tree Sparrow
34: Magpie
35: Redshank
36: Oystercatcher
37: Goosander NEW
38: Fieldfare
39: Stock Dove NEW
40: Teal

Blue Tit

Saturday, 5 March 2011

RSPB Newport Wetlands

Weather was cloudy and cold, surprize, surprize!

But a good start to the day as the first sigthing was a new one for my life tick list, a Goldfinch.

Newport Wetlands is a reasonable reserve with huge reed beds and no hides, so your left on your feet for much of your stay.
It has a floating foot bridge running through one of the reed beds that gives the unusual sensation of walking on a sponge, most odd!
The general concensus from regular local visitors seemed to be a poor one, with most of them expressing dissapointment at a lack of new visitors.
Fortunately for me with my new past time still in its very early infancy, the rest of my 2 hour visit gave me another 2 for my life list - Curlew & a Little Egret

Other pickings for the day were:

Tree Sparrow
Tufted Duck
Mute Swan

Mute Swans

Curlew, in the distance somewhere! Must buy a bigger lens..

Friday, 4 March 2011

RSPB Dearne Valley - Barnsley

Very cold, 'again' but it was a flying visit after popping in from visiting something else.

Not a huge total but still a good day as i managed to add 3 new birds

Oystercatcher - NEW
Redshank - NEW
Great Crested Grebe - NEW
Wood Pigeon
Black-headed Gull
Canada Geese
Tufted Duck