Wednesday, 18 May 2016

North Wales

Trip starts off well with the weather looking good.

Quick stop in a layby for a drink and a look around produces these 2..

Carried on to Cadair Idris..

Decided to feed the parking meter enough money for a few hours to have a look around with the plan of returning tomorrow. It's actually a bit of a climb pretty much as soon as you get out of the car but I soon found my rhythm and bashed on enjoying the sunshine..

I'd covered a little over 3 mile when I realised the parking meter would soon be running out and I really needed to turn back.. Really annoyed at my poor decision of how much to feed the meter now as I wanted to carry on and do the whole walk (around 11 miles).
Still the 6 miles I'd done did give me a long range shot of a Ring Ouzel..

I'm also on the Mach loop here and I had already heard a couple of jets buzzing around but couldn't see them through the tree's. Once your higher up and above the tree's you get a better chance, shown here as I manage some shots of a couple of C-130's that flew through..

With time getting on it's back to the car and off in search of a campsite.
I pass a couple of site's but don't like the look of them, they were just a bit to close to the road for my liking. So I carry on searching until I eventually find one down a very narrow quite country lane and decide this will do.

I actually end up with the entire site to myself, so I get to pick where the hell I like to pitch the tent and get some food on the go..

A bit later on I decide to go for a little walk around the rest of the site and discover they have some very nice static vans for hire..

Opening the tent window next morning and the weather looks good..

So decide to head off to the Osprey project..

The place is very well laid out and reasonably priced at £3.00 The Osprey's were there and I did see them, but activity from them was next to non existent as they were roosting so no chance of any photo's. I did get these on the feeders near the entrance though..

Time to press on and I have a little drive to Aberystwyth picking a few piccys up along the way..

By the time I get to Aberystwyth the weather is beginning to look decidedly dark..

Then it goes from dark to just simple WET!!..

After checking the weather forecast for the following days on my phone, the realisation that my trip was over begins to set in. I don't mind losing the sunshine so much, but the rain really makes life difficult when camping with a small tent and a lot of gear. So with a heavy heart and a lowered bottom lip I set the controls for home, all the time questioning whether my decision was right :-( ..