Friday, 22 April 2011


1st trip here, and in all honesty a little bit overwhelming for the novice birder.
11 new ticks for the Life & Year lists and although the overall count for the day seems a bit low there were actually more birds than you could shake a stick at.
The low count in my opinion was down to a couple of things -

1, The usual not enough time factor.
2, Simply overwhelmed by bird numbers and rather impressive Air Traffic Control style 5* hides
3, A rather painful ankle that sent agony messages to the brain with every step!

Anyway some piccys first for a change -


Blue Tit
Grey Plover

The count -
  1. Robin
  2. Blackbird
  3. Blackcap
  4. Dunnock
  5. Pheasant
  6. Grey Heron
  7. Blue Tit
  8. Great Tit
  9. Avocet - NEW
  10. Chaffinch
  11. Wood Pigeon
  12. Grey Plover - NEW
  13. Coot
  14. Moorhen
  15. Linnet
  16. Garganey - NEW
  17. Black Tailed Godwit - NEW
  18. Mallard
  19. Teal
  20. Common Redshank
  21. Spotted Redshank - NEW
  22. Ruff - NEW
  23. Shelduck
  24. Shoveler
  25. Snipe
  26. Greylag
  27. Black-headed Gull
  28. Reed Bunting
  29. Sedge Warbler - NEW
  30. Whimbrel - NEW - Got a shot of this but its quite poor (might upload it later anyway)
  31. Skylark - NEW - As with this
  32. House Sparrow - NEW
  33. Lapwing
  34. Little Ringed Plover
  35. Oyster Catcher
  36. Canada Goose
  37. Mute Swan
  38. Black Tern - NEW
  39. Little Grebe 
  40. Widgeon
  41. Collared Dove

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