Sunday, 22 May 2011

Not a lot happening at Marsh Lane

Rain in the air and blowing a gale, but i went regardless thinking i might be rewarded with something unusual. No such chance!!

All run of the mill stuff im afraid, in fact if anything, its very quiet.
  1. Coot
  2. Tufted Duck
  3. Lapwing
  4. Oyster Catcher
  5. Jackdaw
  6. Cormorant
  7. Black-headed Gull
  8. Greylag
  9. Common Tern
  10. Sand Martin
  11. Mallard
  12. Great Crested Grebe
  13. Pochard
  14. Little Ringed Plover
  15. Shelduck
  16. Swift
  17. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  18. Redshank
  19. Wood Pigeon
  20. Crow
  21. Gadwell
  22. Goldfinch
  23. Reed Bunting
  24. Canada Goose
  25. Mute Swan
  26. Chiffchaff
  27. Little Grebe
  28. Moorhen
  29. Jay
  30. Pied wagtail
  31. Black Swan
  32. Blue Tit
  33. Grey Heron
  34. Magpie
  35. Starling
  36. Tree Sparrow

Blue Tit

Grey Heron

Reed Bunting

Oyster Catcher with its young

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Marsh Lane & a mission to Shustoke Reservoir

Run of the mill stuff at Marsh Lane although we did cut the visit shorter than usual in order to go to Shustoke Reservoir.

Still a reasonable count though -
  1. Magpie
  2. Pied Wagtail
  3. Greylag
  4. Oystercatcher
  5. Coot
  6. Tufted Duck
  7. Grey Heron
  8. Swift
  9. Mute Swan
  10. Cormorant
  11. Lapwing
  12. Mallard
  13. Jackdaw
  14. Pheasant
  15. Pochard
  16. Wood Pigeon
  17. Black-headed Gull
  18. Ringed Plover
  19. Dunlin
  20. Canada Goose
  21. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  22. Gadwell
  23. Starling
  24. Little Grebe
  25. Redshank
  26. Little Ringed Plover
  27. Sand Martin
  28. Common Tern
  29. Swallow
  30. Goldfinch
  31. Crow
  32. Moorhen
  33. Dunnock
  34. Black Swan
  35. Shelduck
  36. Great Crested Grebe
  37. Buzzard
  38. Blue Tit
  39. Sedge Warbler

Off to Shustoke Reservoir then with the mission to find the Black Throated Diver, with a good chance to practice some flight shots with the Gulls zipping about on the way -


And couldn't resist the little Goslings

But no sign of the Diver, even with now 3 of us on the prowl for it, although in truth, healthy conversation had put our observations on the back seat, only when a fourth birder joined our little group and pointed the Diver out to us did we spot him. Right under our noses!!!
Managed to get a few decent shots off and now cant decide which one is best, so here's a shortlist for you to decide!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

2 Hours at Marsh Lane

Flying visit en-route to a friends for dinner so only a quick 2hour stay. Alot of the usual culprits were there, and many that wasn't, although i did gain a brand new tick for the day with this -

Not a brilliant shot i'll grant you, but my first so he gets some internet stardom!

Infact i didnt do very good at all for decent shots, I haven't a clue where i'm going wrong apart from maybe trying to shoot from to greater distance?

This didn't come out to bad though -

Common Tern
Mr Pochard is still resident, obviously likes his surroundings as he's the only one there -



And i'm including this as its the first time ive ever seen one out of the water -

Great Crested Grebe
Dozens of these fella's about -
Black-headed Gull
As with these -
The weather was pretty cool compared to recently, and the wind was very strong, so strong infact that there was nothing on the feeders at all which i found quite odd?

The Count -
  1. Green Woodpecker
  2. Pochard
  3. Lapwing
  4. Cormorant
  5. Mute Swan
  6. Tufted duck
  7. Greylag
  8. Oyster Catcher
  9. Black-headed Gull
  10. Coot
  11. Canada
  12. Teal
  13. Mallard
  14. Crow
  15. Pheasant
  16. Common Tern
  17. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  18. Sedge Warbler
  19. Great Crested Grebe
  20. Jackdaw
  21. Linnet
  22. Redshank
  23. Magpie
  24. Moorhen
  25. Ringed Plover
  26. Swallow
  27. Whitethroat - NEW
  28. Starling
  29. Wood Pigeon
  30. Pied Wagtail
  31. Greenfinch

Monday, 2 May 2011

Marsh Lane & Whitacre Heath

Early start at Marsh Lane today, arriving a little before 8am this morning to a very bright and sunny start, although a very strong North Easterly wind blew the cobwebs away along with any feelings of warmth.

Not a fantastic day count wise, although i did manage to get x2 new ticks for the life & year lists, as well as some shots of a Sedge Warbler, not fantastic shots mind you as he was quite a distance away, but im gonna post them anyway because thats all i managed to get (no pointing and laughing now!)

Like i said, far from good shots, but all i could muster, so my little Sedge Warbling friend gets some internet fame..

The count -
  1. Shelduck
  2. Coot
  3. Greylag
  4. Mute Swan
  5. Canada
  6. Lapwing
  7. Black-headed Gull
  8. Gadwell
  9. Cormorant
  10. Pochard
  11. Tufted Duck
  12. Carrion Crow
  13. Magpie
  14. Pheasant
  15. Sedge Warbler
  16. Grey Heron
  17. Reed Bunting
  18. Blackbird
  19. Swift - NEW
  20. Wood Pigeon
  21. Redshank
  22. Little Grebe
  23. Dunlin
  24. Common Tern
  25. Teal
  26. Ringed Plover
  27. Blackcap
  28. Great Tit
  29. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  30. Blue Tit
  31. Buzzard
  32. Swallow
  33. Little Ringed Plover
  34. Kingfisher - NEW
  35. Mallard
  36. Moorhen
  37. Chaffinch
  38. Common Sandpiper
  39. Great Crested Grebe
  40. Starling
We then sent off to have a quick shufty at Whitacre Heath, just to see if the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was around posing for piccys. But would'nt you know it, he was still in the dressing room somewhere powdering his bill, bugger!!

Still, did manage a snap of this chap who was dozing in the tree though -
Little Egret

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Peak District National Park

Had a ride out around the Peaks today for no particular reason other than we could.

Not really a full on birding day, but we took in what we could in amongst fighting with the traffic and negotiating hoards of cyclists, not to mention being heckled by a local woman! More on that later..

Anyway, deep breath here comes the count -
  1. Blackbird
  2. Carrion Crow
  3. Robin
  4. House Martin
  5. Jackdaw
  6. Mallard
  7. Wood Pigeon
  8. Goldfinch
  9. Rook
  10. Chaffich
  11. Swallow
  12. House Sparrow
  13. Magpie
  14. Curlew
  15. Skylark
  16. Grey Heron
  17. Great Crested Grebe
  18. Tufted Duck
  19. Blue Tit
  20. Pied Wagtail
  21. Pheasant
  22. Buzzard
  23. Redstart - NEW
  24. Canada Goose
  25. Greylag Goose
  26. Shelduck
  27. Coot
  28. Lapwing
  29. Linnet
  30. Meadow Pipit - NEW
  31. Mistle Thrush - NEW
  32. Black-headed Gull
  33. Grey Partidge - NEW
Managed to get a couple of half decent shots off, 1st of a Grey Heron knee deep in water feeding his belly.

Grey Heron
And 2nd, this panicked shot of a Curlew that took off from the back of a field we had stopped near -

And finally the heckling!

Driving down a rural road we spied a couple of lama's sat in a field, as they're not the "usual" thing to be seen, i decided to stop and rattle off a couple of shots, only to hear a woman stood near them shouting at me "Bloody Cheek, Clear off"!!!
I have absolutely no idea what it was i was doing that was such a bloody cheek?
Maybe it was standing in a public place taking piccys of something that was in public view, anyway to the lady in question heres the piccy.
They're not the best looking animal in the world, in fact in this pose they look rather like someting the late Rod Hull should have his arm stuck up, so please accept this piccy with a Churchill Salute accompanied by a rather loud raspberry sound..
