Sunday, 15 May 2011

Marsh Lane & a mission to Shustoke Reservoir

Run of the mill stuff at Marsh Lane although we did cut the visit shorter than usual in order to go to Shustoke Reservoir.

Still a reasonable count though -
  1. Magpie
  2. Pied Wagtail
  3. Greylag
  4. Oystercatcher
  5. Coot
  6. Tufted Duck
  7. Grey Heron
  8. Swift
  9. Mute Swan
  10. Cormorant
  11. Lapwing
  12. Mallard
  13. Jackdaw
  14. Pheasant
  15. Pochard
  16. Wood Pigeon
  17. Black-headed Gull
  18. Ringed Plover
  19. Dunlin
  20. Canada Goose
  21. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  22. Gadwell
  23. Starling
  24. Little Grebe
  25. Redshank
  26. Little Ringed Plover
  27. Sand Martin
  28. Common Tern
  29. Swallow
  30. Goldfinch
  31. Crow
  32. Moorhen
  33. Dunnock
  34. Black Swan
  35. Shelduck
  36. Great Crested Grebe
  37. Buzzard
  38. Blue Tit
  39. Sedge Warbler

Off to Shustoke Reservoir then with the mission to find the Black Throated Diver, with a good chance to practice some flight shots with the Gulls zipping about on the way -


And couldn't resist the little Goslings

But no sign of the Diver, even with now 3 of us on the prowl for it, although in truth, healthy conversation had put our observations on the back seat, only when a fourth birder joined our little group and pointed the Diver out to us did we spot him. Right under our noses!!!
Managed to get a few decent shots off and now cant decide which one is best, so here's a shortlist for you to decide!

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