Sunday, 5 June 2011

Finally a new Tick

The obligatory stroll around Marsh Lane every Sunday has been tick free for the last few weeks, with only the usual culprits checking in for the register. Today though a Wood Sandpiper dropped in and finally broke the deadlock, not the best piccy in the world but he was quite a long way off.

Wood Sandpiper
Not a lot happening otherwise, with not an awful lot to point the camera at, did spot Mum & Dad Blue Tit feeding the kids though -

Blue Tits
Reed Bunting

Ok, its not a bird but i'm forever seeing these going into the nearby Birmingham Airport, so i decided to snap it -

Boeing 777

The count -
  1. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  2. Jackdaw
  3. Coot
  4. Greylag
  5. Lapwing
  6. Tufted Duck
  7. Wood Pigeon
  8. Mallard
  9. Cormorant
  10. Black-headed Gull
  11. Mute Swan
  12. Oyster Catcher
  13. Goldfinch
  14. Little Grebe
  15. Moorhen
  16. Canada Goose
  17. Swift
  18. Reed Bunting
  19. Little Ringed Plover
  20. Starling
  21. Black Swan
  22. Common Tern
  23. Pheasant
  24. Great Crested Grebe
  25. Buzzard
  26. Magpie
  27. Carrion Crow
  28. Grey Heron
  29. Pochard
  30. Reed Warbler
  31. Pied Wagtail
  32. Wood Sandpiper NEW
  33. Redshank

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